These awards provide recognition for outstanding student papers in both SMBE journals.
All articles published in the two SMBE journals, Molecular Biology & Evolution and Genome Biology & Evolution, in the calendar year prior to the meeting are eligible for nomination. The best student paper of the year in each journal will receive the prize.
Award recipients in 2023 for papers published in 2022:
For MBE, Winner - Reena Debray: Historical Contingency Drives Compensatory Evolution and Rare Reversal of Phage Resistance
MBE Honorable Mentions -
Marcos Araujo Castro e Silva: Population Histories and Genomic Diversity of South American Natives
Jiansi Gao: New Phylogenetic Models Incorporating Interval-Specific Dispersal Dynamics Improve Inference of Disease Spread
For GBE, Winner - Rebekka Müller: A Nearly Neutral Model of Molecular Signatures of Natural Selection after Change in Population Size.
GBE Honorable Mention –
Katrin Bartke: Evolution of Bacterial Interspecies Hybrids with Enlarged Chromosomes
Award recipients in 2022 for papers published in 2021:
For MBE, Winner: Margarita Takou and coauthors: Maintenance of Adaptive Dynamics and No Detectable Load in a Range-Edge Outcrossing Plant Population
MBE Honorable Mentions:
Julia Kloos and coauthors: Piggybacking on niche adaptation improves the maintenance of multidrug-resistance plasmids
Maddie James and coauthors: Highly replicated evolution of parapatric ecotypes
For GBE, Winner: Michael Goldberg and Kelley Harris: Mutational Signatures of Replication Timing and Epigenetic Modification Persist through the Global Divergence of Mutation Spectra across the Great Ape Phylogeny
GBE Honorable Mentions:
Arkadiy Garber: The Evolution of Interdependence in a Four-Way Mealybug Symbiosis
Galen Martin: CHH Methylation Islands: A Nonconserved Feature of Grass Genomes That Is Positively Associated with Transposable Elements but Negatively Associated with Gene-Body Methylation
Award recipients in 2021 for papers published in 2020:
For MBE, Winner: Jana Helsen: Gene Loss Predictably Drives Evolutionary Adaptation
MBE Honorable Mentions:
Ana Marija Jaksic: Neuronal Function and Dopamine Signaling Evolve at High Temperature in Drosophila
Jun Huang: A Simulation Study to Examine the Information Content in Phylogenomic Data Sets under the Multispecies Coalescent Model
Chao Zhang: ASTRAL-Pro: Quartet-Based Species-Tree Inference despite Paralogy
For GBE, Winner: Tiffany Batarseh: Genetic Mutations That Drive Evolutionary Rescue to Lethal Temperature in Escherichia coli
Award recipients in 2020 for papers published in 2019:
For MBE, Winner: Ayush S Saxena: Evolution of the Mutational Process under Relaxed Selection in Caenorhabditis elegans
MBE Honorable Mentions:
Annabel Beichman: Aquatic Adaptation and Depleted Diversity: A Deep Dive into the Genomes of the Sea Otter and Giant Otter
Qiqing Tao: A Machine Learning Method for Detecting Autocorrelation of Evolutionary Rates in Large Phylogenies
Zhirui Hu: Bayesian Detection of Convergent Rate Changes of Conserved Noncoding Elements on Phylogenetic Trees
For GBE, Winner: Ping-Lin Cao: JmjC Domain-Encoding Genes Are Conserved Metazoans and Are Associated with Planarian Whole-Body Regeneration
GBE Honorable mentions:
Han Mei: A High-Resolution View of Adaptive Event
Rubén González: Mutagenesis Scanning Uncovers Evolutionary Constraints on Tobacco Etch Potyvirus Membrane-Associated 6K2 Protein
Marissa Lim: Parallel Molecular Evolution in Pathways, Genes, and Sites in High-Elevation Hummingbirds Revealed by Comparative Transcriptomics
Award recipients in 2019 for papers published in 2018:
For MBE: Jean Cury: Host Range and Genetic Plasticity Explain the Coexistence of Integrative and Extrachromosomal Mobile Genetic Elements
For GBE: Bárbara D. Bitarello: Signatures of Long-Term Balancing Selection in Human Genomes
Award recipients in 2018 for papers published in 2017:
For MBE: Rémi Allio: Large variation in the ratio of mitochondrial to nuclear mutation rate across animals: implications for genetic diversity and the use of mitochondrial DNA as a molecular marker
For GBE: Philipp Brand: The evolutionary dynamics of the odorant receptor gene family in corbiculate bees
Award recipients in 2017 for papers published in 2016:
For MBE: Alejandra Rodríguez-Verdugo: First-Step Mutations during Adaptation Restore the Expression of Hundreds of Genes
For GBE: Anouk Willemsen: Predicting the Stability of Homologous Gene Duplications in a Plant RNA Virus
Award recipients in 2016 for papers published in 2015:
For MBE: Emily Clare Baker: The Genome Sequence of Saccharomyces eubayanus and the Domestication of Lager-Brewing Yeasts.
For GBE: award shared by Daniel Tamarit and Kirsten Ellegaard: Functionally Structured Genomes in Lactobacillus kunkeei Colonizing the Honey Crop and Food Products of Honeybees and Stingless Bees.
Please send the name of the nominee, a scan of the signed advisor letter, and the name of the paper for which the award is to be considered as a SINGLE PDF to with the subject of "Best Graduate Student Paper Prize". If possible, please denote if the paper was published in MBE or GBE.