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The Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution is an international organization whose goals are to provide facilities for association and communication among molecular evolutionists and to further the goals of molecular evolution, as well as its practitioners and teachers. In order to accomplish these goals, the Society publishes two peer-reviewed journals, Molecular Biology and Evolution and Genome Biology and Evolution. The Society sponsors an annual meeting, as well as smaller satellite meetings or workshop on important, focused, and timely topics. It also confers honors and awards to students and researchers.


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Featured News

SMBE2025 Conference Registration is now Open!

Dear SMBE members,

We invite you to register for the 2025 annual conference of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE2025) at

SMBE 2025 is taking place from July 20-24, 2025, in Beijing, China.

The deadline for early bird registration is Sunday, April 20, 2025, 23:59 (GMT +8).

Registration is offered at a discounted price for members of the society. There are also several conference associated awards available for members – applications can be made during abstract submission.  SMBE membership is for 3 years and costs $10 for students and $30 for others. Membership can be applied for via Please contact us via email ( if you would like to become a member but feel that this membership fee is prohibitive for you.

Awards include:

1.     The SMBE Graduate Student Excellence Award honors the best presentation at the Graduate Student Excellence symposium, which provides a forum for young investigators to showcase their exemplary research at the annual meeting.

2.     The Young Investigator Travel Award provides support for young researchers (postdoctoral researchers and graduate students) to attend SMBE2025.

3.     The Undergraduate Mentorship Award provides support, advice and networking opportunities for undergraduate students (including Masters students under a 3+2 system) as they navigate their first international conference.

4.     Carer awards can be applied for during regis

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  • Thursday, January 23, 2025
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SMBE2025 Call for Abstracts is now OPEN!

Deadline for abstract submission is Thursday, January 30, 2025, 23:59 (GMT +8).

Dear SMBE members,

We invite you to submit an abstract for the 2025 annual conference of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE2025) at

SMBE 2025 is taking place from July 20-24, 2025, in Beijing, China.

The deadline for abstract submission is Thursday, January 30, 2025, 23:59 (GMT +8).

To encourage participation, SMBE2025 will have selected symposia and thematic symposia. Apart from the 15 selected symposia (click the “Symposia” tab at, you can also choose to participate in a thematic symposia session. If you select thematic symposia in the abstract submission portal, your abstract will be reviewed by members of the Advisory and Scientific Committee (see “Committee” tab) and if selected, matched with other selected abstracts featuring a similar scientific theme, as determined by the Committee. By forming thematic symposia, we hope that participants are not held back by not “exactly” matching selected symposia topics, and we hope to host interactions from researchers interested in similar research fields.

Registration for the conference will begin in January. Registration is offered at a discounted price for members of the society. There are also several conference associated awards available for members – applications can be made during abstract submission.  SMBE membership is for 3 years and costs $10 for students and $30 for others. Membership can be applied for via Please contact us via email ( if you would like to become a member but feel that this membership fee is prohibitive for you.

Awards include:

1.      The SMBE Graduate Student Excellence Award honors the best presentation at the Graduate Student Excellence symposium, which provides a forum for young investigators to showcase their exemplary research at the annual meeting.

2.      The Young Investigator Travel Award provides support for young researchers (postdoctoral researchers and graduate students) to attend SMBE2025.

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  • Tuesday, December 17, 2024
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ISCB/SMBE EvolCompGen Webinar on December 6

Talk Title: Using machine learning to accommodate complexity in phylogenetics and population genetics

Date: Friday, December 6, 2025. 11:00 am Eastern Time (EST)

Speaker: Megan L. Smith, Mississippi State University

Join the webinar at

Non-ISCB members, please first register here:

Talk Abstract: As the availability of genomic data from across the tree of life has increased, the extent of heterogeneity in phylogenomic datasets has become increasingly evident. The diverse processes shaping genomic variation necessitate increasingly complex models that cannot always be accommodated in standard likelihood or Bayesian frameworks. In light of this heterogeneity, machine learning has emerged as a particularly promising approach. First, I’ll describe our applications of supervised machine learning to infer phylogenetic relationships and demographic histories. While promising, these approaches rely on the use of data simulated under the models of interest to train machine learning algorithms. When the models used to simulate these data do not include processes important in shaping genetic variation in our focal systems, it leads to a mismatch between training data and empirical data. Our results indicate that such model violations can mislead inferences of introgression. However, domain adaptation approaches aim to overcome this limitation of supervised machine learning. Using domain adaptation, we demonstrate that accurate inferences of introgression are possible, even in the presence of complex processes not modelled in the training data.

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  • Wednesday, December 04, 2024
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SMBE 2027 Announcement

We are delighted to announce that Québec City (Canada) has been selected to host our annual conference in 2027. The meeting will be held from June 20 to 24, 2027, at the Québec City Convention Centre. The facility is in the city center, within a 10-minute walk from the Historic District of Old Québec, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, major tourist attractions, and some of Canada’s finest restaurants. The Local Organising Committee will be Christian Landry, Nadia Aubin-Horth, Jullien Flynn, Jean-Baptiste Leducq and Edel Lopez from Université Laval, and Sophie Breton from Université de Montréal. They are working to make this a memorable event while keeping it affordable and accessible to our diverse community. They are looking forward to hosting you in 2027.

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  • Wednesday, November 20, 2024
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New Editor-in-Chief of Genome Biology and Evolution Announcement

The Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE) is excited to announce Dr. Maud Tenaillon as a new Editor-in-Chief of Genome Biology and Evolution, starting January 2025. Maud will join Laura A. Katz, Smith College, who continues her term as EIC.  Maud is a Research Director for the CNRS at the Université Paris -Saclay where she studies plant population genomics, with a particular interest in the evolutionary genomics of domestication and the impact of domestication on plant-plant interactions. From 2016 to 2019, she served as a council member for SMBE, where she helped initiate interdisciplinary and regional meetings and addressed gender-related issues. She became an associate editor for GBE starting in 2019, overseeing genome reports for two years. We are very grateful to Adam Eyre-Walker, University of Sussex, who will complete his term at the end of 2024. Adam has been an outstanding leader for the journal, launching a variety of initiatives including special sections, the evaluation of journal inclusiveness, checking data availability, ensuring the journal has an inclusive waiver policy and appointing a social media editor. Working collaboratively with Laura, Adam has also worked hard to diversify the editorial board and expand the scope of the journal.

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  • Tuesday, November 19, 2024
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SMBE 2025 Call for Symposia - Deadline November 5th, 2024

Dear SMBE Members,

We're delighted to announce that the Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution is now accepting proposals for symposium for the 2025 Annual Meeting, taking place in Beijing, China, from July 20th – 24th, 2025. Selection of proposals will prioritize the interests of SMBE members, emphasizing innovative scientific developments while ensuring geographic and gender diversity among the participants. In light of the growing influence of new technologies, such as genetic editing, synthetic biology and AI, on evolution research (as outlined in our mission statement), we also encourage proposals that explore these topics.

SMBE 2025 will be held in the Beijing Conventional Center, with facilities allowing five parallel symposia to be held in the same building. We welcome proposals for symposia of 120 min duration, and the invited speaker will have 20 minutes, with 5 minutes for questions and 2 free minutes for participants to change symposium if they wish. Each contributed speaker will have 12 minutes, with 3 minutes for questions, and 2 free minutes for participants to change symposium if they wish. For the upcoming SMBE 2025 meeting, we are encouraging 5 min flash talks to give more opportunities to researchers around the globe to communicate their work. This means each symposium will accommodate 1 invited speaker, 2 contributed speakers, and 6 to 8 flash talks.

For each accepted symposium, the meeting will provide financial support up to 2,800 US dollars, along with fully covered conference registration for the invited speaker, to facilitate symposium organizers in attracting outstanding invited speakers. To submit your proposal please click on the link below and follow the instructions. Please complete and submit the form by 11:59pm GMT +8 November 5th, 2024. Successful applications will be confirmed by the end of November. Please email us at for any questions.

Symposium proposals should include a description of the symposium (250 words max) and the name of the proposed invited speaker capable of delivering a talk of high quality and wide interest (each symposium will be limited to one invited speaker, however, you can nominate multiple invited speakers at this stage). At the time of proposal submission, the proposed invited speaker should have agreed to accept the invitation in principle. Please explain to the proposed invited speaker that the invitation is conditional on funding of the proposal. For the proposed invited speaker, please indicate whether they have been approached, whether they have expressed their interest in participating, and the likely topic for their talk. The symposium organizers will also select contributed speakers from the abstracts submitted by registered delegates.

Please CLICK HERE to access the submission portal.

The final decision on the selection of symposia, invited and contributed talks will be made by the Local Organizing Committee (LOC). Criteria will include quality of the proposals, breadth of interest to SMBE membership, and representation of the diversity of SMBE membership among speakers.

The meeting will be held as a hybrid conference, but the speakers

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  • Monday, September 30, 2024
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