SMBE 2020 is taking place in Québec City, Canada, from 28 June – 2 July 2020.
The deadline for abstract submission is Monday 20 January 2020, 23:59 (GMT).
Several awards are available and can be applied for during abstract submission. They require SMBE membership at the time of application (3 years costs $10 for students and $30 for others).
Membership can be applied for at
Carer awards can also be applied for at registration or by email.
Awards include:
1) The Walter M. Fitch Award for current graduate and recent postdoctoral researchers; Extended abstracts are not required, just the conference abstract and a CV. Unsuccessful Fitch Award applicants will automatically be considered for Young Investigator and Registration-only awards.
2) The Young Investigator Award substantially funds the cost of attending, is for any graduate student or postdoc, requires a conference abstract and a CV, and will automatically also be considered for Registration – only awards.
3) The Undergraduate Travel & Mentoring Award (including Masters students under a 3+2 system) requires title, abstract, a short explanation (250 words) of why you want to attend this meeting, including a mention of whether you fall into a group traditionally underrepresented at SMBE such as enrolling in university later in life or being the first in your family to attend university. A short letter of support (250 words) should also be sent from your academic supervisor to Sarah Schaack and Mary O’Connell ( confirming that you are undergraduate or a Masters student under 3+2, and that the research to be presented is your own.
4) Carer Travel Awards can be applied for during registration, or by email to if an earlier response is needed. Up to $2000 may be awarded for members with children or dependent adults (including adult children with a disability or elderly relatives) to spend as to facilitate member’s attendance at the annual SMBE meeting. Examples of eligible expenses include (but are not limited to) providing airfare for your child or for your caregiver to accompany you, flying a relative out to help with care at your home while you’re at the meeting, or extra help paying for on-site daycare.
If interested in sponsorship of the meeting, please contact
For any queries over abstracts or registration, please contact
We look forward to welcoming you in Québec City.