We are delighted to announce that registration for SMBE 2019 is now live. SMBE 2019 is taking place in Manchester, UK on 21-25 July 2019 at the state of the art venue Manchester Central. Full details on the symposia programme and confirmed keynote speakers can be viewed here.
Information on the registration fees can be viewed here. Register before the early bird deadline on Wednesday 8 May in order to secure discounted registration rates.
Please note that in order to receive a discounted member-rate registration you will be asked to provide your SMBE member number. Active members were sent an email that includes their membership number.
For questions regarding your membership number, please contact smbe@allenpress.com.
You can book your accommodation from a range of city centre properties from inside the registration system.
Delegates requiring a VISA in order to attend SMBE 2019 can select this option within the registration system. The registration team will be able to assist in creating the documentation in order to support your VISA application.
Carer Travel Awards can be applied for as part of conference registration. SMBE will make available up to $2000 to SMBE members with children or dependent adults (including adult children with a disability or elderly relatives) to spend as they wish to facilitate the member’s attendance at the annual SMBE meeting. Examples of eligible expenses include (but are not limited to) providing airfare for your child or for your caregiver to accompany you, flying a relative out to help with care at your home while you’re at the meeting, or extra help paying for on-site daycare.
Abstract and Award submission deadline.
The abstract submission deadline is fast approaching. The deadline for abstracts is midnight GMT on Sunday 17 March 2019. Please be aware that the deadline will not be extended. Abstracts should be no longer than 2500 characters (~250 words), with a title no longer than 300 characters. Full details on abstract topics, guidance and the submission portal can be found here.
A range of awards can be applied for during Abstract submission, all of which require SMBE membership (costing only $10/$30 for 3 years for students/others at https://www.smbe.org/smbe/MEMBERSHIP.aspx) at the time of application.
Current graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who received their primary doctoral-level degree no earlier than one year prior to the start of the annual meeting of the society may apply for the Fitch award. Extended abstracts are no longer required this year, just the conference abstract and a cv. Unsuccessful Fitch applicants will automatically be considered for Young Investigator and Registration awards.
Any graduate student or postdoc may apply for the Young Investigator Award, which substantially funds the cost of attending. Application materials are the same as for the Fitch,
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