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Non-Members: You must Register for an account to purchase a membership and conduct other transactions. Future visits to the website will only require login.

After login or registration: You may conduct online transactions such as joining or renewing a membership, registering for an annual meeting and making donations.


The Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution is an international organization whose goals are to provide facilities for association and communication among molecular evolutionists and to further the goals of molecular evolution, as well as its practitioners and teachers. In order to accomplish these goals, the Society publishes two peer-reviewed journals, Molecular Biology and Evolution and Genome Biology and Evolution. The Society sponsors an annual meeting, as well as smaller satellite meetings or workshop on important, focused, and timely topics. It also confers honors and awards to students and researchers.


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Featured News


Dear SMBE Members,

Each year, SMBE provides funds in aid for SMBE SATELLITE, INTERDISCIPLINARY AND REGIONAL MEETINGS. These meetings are organized and held independent of the SMBE annual meeting.

SMBE is now calling for proposals for meetings and actions to be held between Jan 2023 and Dec 31st 2023. Funds will be awarded on a competitive basis to members of the molecular evolution research community to run workshops/meetings on an important, focused, and timely topic of their choice. The number of awards will depend on the quality of proposals and total cost.

The deadline for submission of proposals is September 30th 2022.

List of upcoming and previous SATELLITE/INTERDISCIPLINARY/REGIONAL SMBE meetings:

Upcoming meetings:

Please also consult our archive for further information on previous satellite, regional and interdisciplinary meetings:

Participants of Satellite/Interdisciplinary/Regional meetings are eligible for SMBE Caregiver Award:


These are workshops or small, topically focused meetings with fewer than 100 participants that are organized and held independent of the SMBE annual meeting. In the past five years, SMBE has supported multiple satellite meetings on diverse topics, a sample of our most recent Satellite meetings include:

  • Wednesday, July 06, 2022
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Important reminders and society updates

Dear SMBE Members,
We hope this finds you all doing well!
In preparation for SMBE Everywhere and our upcoming society initiatives, we’d like to share some important info and reminders with you:
  • SMBE IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) 2022 Proposal Call - Extended Deadline 23 May 2022. More info here.

  • SMBE Everywhere – Registration and Abstract Submission Systems are open. More info here.

  • SMBE 2022 Caregiver Awards are available for SMBE Everywhere. More info here.

  • SMBE Election – The online ballot link will be sent to all members on 23 May 2022. 

  • Best Graduate Student Paper Awards – The deadline for submitting nominations is 15 June 2022. More info here.
Additionally, please join SMBE President James McInerney for an update on SMBE and the exciting times ahead! Please click the screen capture below or find the direct link &a

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  • Wednesday, May 18, 2022
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Call for Best Graduate Student Paper of 2021 Nominations

Dear SMBE Members,

SMBE is calling for nominations for Best Graduate Student Papers of 2021. These awards provide recognition for outstanding papers in both our SMBE journals,  Molecular Biology & Evolution (MBE) and Genome Biology & Evolution (GBE). There will be one Best Graduate Student Paper award for each journal. Like last year, each journal may also name up to 3 ‘honorable mentions’ for outstanding runners-up.

All articles published in the calendar year 2021 are eligible for nomination. This corresponds to papers published in the printed volume 38 in MBE and volume 13 in GBE. Please see below for additional information on eligibility.

Winners will receive a prize each of US$ 500, runners up a prize each of US$ 100.

Best Regards, 
James McInerney
President, SMBE

Eligibility & Nomination

1. All articles published in the two SMBE journals, Molecular Biology & Evolution and Genome Biology & Evolution (one prize for each journal), in the calendar year 2021 are automatically eligible if the final publication date of the nominated paper is not more than two years later than the date of the nominee's Ph.D.

2. The nominated graduate student must be the first author or joint first-author of the nominated paper.

3. An article and its first author can be nominated by anyone; self-nominations are acceptable.

4. A signed letter from the Ph.D. advisor, MSc advisor, or equivalent, confirming that the paper was part of the nominee’s thesis or graduate work is required.

5. The deadline for submitting nominations is June 15, 2022.

How to Enter

Please send the name of the nominee, a scan of the signed advisor letter, and the name of the paper for which the award is to be considered as a SINGLE PDF to Please use the email subject line "MBE/GBE Best Student Paper Nomination", deleting journal name as appropriate.

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  • Tuesday, May 17, 2022
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We are excited to announce SMBEeverywhere!

Dear SMBE Members,
We are excited to announce SMBE's Global Symposia series for 2022-23, SMBEeverywhere! We have a terrific slate of symposia topics and are thrilled to bring these events to our members free of charge. If you are not yet a member, please join SMBE so that you can attend. The first symposium is slated for July 11, 2022, so please mark your calendars for this event!
SMBEeverywhere will be a series of ten virtual, 1-day Global Symposia which will occur in time zones across the globe starting in July 2022 and running through April 2023. Each GS will consist of plenary talks, contributed talks, a poster session, and time for discussion. Talks will be delivered via livestream, and recorded when possible. All recorded talks and posters will be available in the Gathertown space until June 2023, allowing for real-time interactions both during and between each GS throughout the year.
Please visit the SMBEeverywhere website for a glimpse of the GS themes and dates for this year. Registration will be opening May 10, 2022 and will be available throughout the year. You can register for as many events as you would like to attend! Abstract submissions are now open, and deadlines for each GS are listed, as well as the invited speakers and organizers. A special thank you to all of our organizers, we appreciate the hard work you have already put into making SMBEeverywhere happen!
Sarah Schaack and Stephen Wright
SMBEeverywhere Co-Organizers

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  • Tuesday, May 03, 2022
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SMBE IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) 2022 Proposal Call - Extended Deadline

Dear SMBE Members,
SMBE, through the IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) task force, aims to address systemic racism, sexism, colonialism and other exclusion in our society. With this in mind, a budget of up to $25,000 per year will be dedicated to initiatives that help reduce inequities in molecular biology and evolution research. The task force would therefore like to invite members of SMBE to propose initiatives that would take place in the year 2022/2023. Examples of initiatives could include, but are not limited to, workshops, symposia, training opportunities, stand-alone featured talks, or inequity data collection in particular groups, countries, or regions (to name a few). 
Guidelines and instructions for proposals
  • At least one of the organizers must be a member of SMBE. Please note that you can apply for a complementary SMBE membership by contacting the SMBE council.

  • A short description (between half and one full page) of the proposed idea should be submitted by email to for review by 23rd May 2022. This is the initial submission. Submissions should address how the proposal will help advance the goals of the SMBE IDEA task force. 

  • The initial submission should include the names and full contact information of all organizers and involved institutions. Universities/organizations providing additional financial support, if involved, should also be listed. 

  • Initial submissions will be reviewed and pre-selected by the IDEA task force, and candidates will be notified with a decision within 3 weeks after the initial submission deadline (by 6th June). 

  • If the initial submission is selected, organizers are expected to submit a full project plan by email to by 25th July 2022. This must include a budget and time plan, as well as relevance and expected short and long-term impacts of the initiative on inclusion, diversity, equity and/or inclusion. The IDEA task force commits to aiding organizers during the development of the project plan.

  • Successful proposals will be notified by 15th August 2022.

  • <

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  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022
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SMBE IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) 2022 Proposal Call

Dear SMBE Members,
SMBE, through the IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) task force, aims to address systemic racism, sexism, colonialism and other exclusion in our society. With this in mind, a budget of up to $25,000 per year will be dedicated to initiatives that help reduce inequities in molecular biology and evolution research. The task force would therefore like to invite members of SMBE to propose initiatives that would take place in the year 2022/2023. Examples of initiatives could include, but are not limited to, workshops, symposia, training opportunities, stand-alone featured talks, or inequity data collection in particular groups, countries, or regions (to name a few). 
Guidelines and instructions for proposals
  • At least one of the organizers must be a member of SMBE. Please note that you can apply for a complementary SMBE membership by contacting the SMBE council.

  • A short description (between half and one full page) of the proposed idea should be submitted by email to for review by 16th May 2022. This is the initial submission. Submissions should address how the proposal will help advance the goals of the SMBE IDEA task force. 

  • The initial submission should include the names and full contact information of all organizers and involved institutions. Universities/organizations providing additional financial support, if involved, should also be listed. 

  • Initial submissions will be reviewed and pre-selected by the IDEA task force, and candidates will be notified with a decision within 3 weeks after the initial submission deadline (by 6th June). 

  • If the initial submission is selected, organizers are expected to submit a full project plan by email to by 25th July 2022. This must include a budget and time plan, as well as relevance and expected short and long-term impacts of the initiative on inclusion, diversity, equity and/or inclusion. The IDEA task force commits to aiding organizers during the development of the project plan.

  • Successful proposals will be notified by 15th August 2022.

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  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022
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Molecular Biology and Evolution

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Genome Biology & Evolution