Dear SMBE Members,
We are writing with three important announcements about the annual meeting, plus two calls for Award nominations and applications for this year.
1. We are pleased to announce the launch of SMBE Everywhere, a series of 8-12 virtual Global Symposia which will occur across the year starting in July 2022 through March 2023. The first virtual Global Symposium will occur on July 11-12, 2022, so please mark your calendars!
This first symposium will feature the Graduate Student Excellence Symposium, the 2022 Faculty Awards Symposium, and the Presidential Address. On the second day of the symposium, we will be holding a Sustainability Plenary, an Inclusivity & Equity Panel Discussion, and the SMBE business meeting. Please mark your calendars, and see details below on Abstract Submission for the Graduate Student Excellence Symposium!
The full slate of one-day, themed virtual Global Symposia (GS) will be announced later this spring and will all be hosted on a single platform, with the option to attend one, some, or all of the Global Symposia throughout the year via a single registration portal.
2. We would like to make a call for submissions for additional one-day Global Symposia proposals. We have received outstanding submissions, but given the format for this year’s meeting, we are inviting submissions for proposals from organizers in Asia, South America, and Africa, specifically (for informal enquiries, contact
Please submit Global Symposia proposals by email to by 20 February 2022 with “Global Symposium proposal” in the subject line.
Symposium Proposal Guidelines
- Symposium organisers should provide a description of the symposium (250 words max) that will be made public if selected. The symposium organisers will also provide a description of how their proposal brings forward the SMBE’s objective of equity and diversity, as well as any additional information for the committee to make an informed review (250 words max)
- Each symposium will include 1-2 invited speakers plus a number of contributed speakers
- Individuals can only be listed as an organiser for one symposium proposal, although organisers can be listed as an invited speaker on another proposal
3. We would like to open the SMBE Everywhere Logo Competition. Entries should be submitted in a vector-based format (*.ai, *.eps, *.pdf) to by 15 March for full consideration. The email subject line should read "SMBE everywhere logo competition" and the winning entry will be notified and will receive a $500 award.
4. The SMBE Graduate Student Excellence Award provides a forum for young investigators to showcase their exemplary research at the ann
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