Registration and Membership

Non-Members: You must Register for an account to purchase a membership and conduct other transactions. Future visits to the website will only require login.

After login or registration: You may conduct online transactions such as joining or renewing a membership, registering for an annual meeting and making donations.


The Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution is an international organization whose goals are to provide facilities for association and communication among molecular evolutionists and to further the goals of molecular evolution, as well as its practitioners and teachers. In order to accomplish these goals, the Society publishes two peer-reviewed journals, Molecular Biology and Evolution and Genome Biology and Evolution. The Society sponsors an annual meeting, as well as smaller satellite meetings or workshop on important, focused, and timely topics. It also confers honors and awards to students and researchers.


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COVID19 and SMBE2020

Dear SMBE Members:

At this time, we are still planning to hold our annual meeting this summer in beautiful Québec City. Accordingly, we recommend that you register for the meeting and book your hotel room. Registration and hotel room deposits will be refunded in the event the meeting were cancelled by SMBE. However, if you have not already booked your flights or ground transportation, you may consider purchasing trip insurance or fares that allow for refunds, if available. Note that many airlines are introducing incentives to book tickets; this is a dynamic situation and offers vary by carrier, so investigate carefully.

We look forward to seeing you this summer in Canada!

Marta L. Wayne
President, SMBE

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  • Friday, March 06, 2020
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Late-breaking Abstract submission deadline for posters extended to 30 March

The abstract submission deadline for posters only has been extended to 30th March 2020 23:59 GMT. Please be aware that this deadline will not be extended and that applications for SMBE awards 2020 can now no longer be considered. Abstracts should be no longer than 2500 characters (~250 words), with a title no longer than 300 characters. Full details on abstract topics, guidance and the submission portal can be found here.


A range of sponsorship opportunities have been developed for the meeting, if interested please contact


For any queries over abstracts or registration, please contact

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  • Tuesday, February 11, 2020
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SMBE 2020, June 28th-July 2nd 2020, Québec City, QC, Canada – Registration Launch and Abstracts Submission Deadline

We are delighted to announce that registration for SMBE 2020 is now live. SMBE 2020 is taking place in Québec city, QC, Canada on June 28th-July 2nd 2020 at the Québec Convention Center. Full details on the symposia programme and confirmed keynote speakers can be viewed here.

Information on the registration fees can be viewed here. Register before the early bird deadline on April 1st, 2020 in order to secure discounted registration rates.

Please note that in order to receive a discounted member-rate registration you will be asked to provide your SMBE member number. Active members were sent an email that includes their member number.

You can book your accommodation from a range of city centre properties from inside the registration system.

As always SMBE are keen to ensure good international representation. Support will be provided to all delegates that may require additional documentation in order to secure a visa to Canada. Please click here to check if you require a visa for Canada. You can request support for your Visa application within the registration portal. Select the Visa application support letter and submit the required details. You will then receive a covering letter confirming your attendance at SMBE 2020.

Childcare facility will be provided on-site for SMBE 2020 delegates. During the registration process please advise whether you would like to make use of the facility and add details on the age of your child. Further details will be shared on the facility nearer the time.

Attendees can apply for Carer Awards as part of conference registration rather than abstract submission, or by email to if an earlier response is needed. SMBE will make available up to $2000 to SMBE members with children or dependent adults (including adult children with a disability or elderly relatives) to spend as they wish to facilitate the member’s attendance at the annual SMBE meeting. Examples of eligible expenses include (but are not limited to) providing airfare for your child or for your caregiver to accompany you, flying a relative out to help with care at your home while you’re at the meeting, or extra help paying for on-site daycare. All other awards can be applied for during the Abstract submission portal.

Abstract and Award submission deadline.

The abstract submission deadline is fast approaching. The deadline for abstracts is 20th January 2020 23:59 GMT. Please be aware that the deadline will not be extended. Abstracts should be no longer than 2500 characters (~250 words), with a title no longer than 300 characters. Full details on abstract topics, guidance and the submission portal can be found here.

A range of

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  • Friday, December 20, 2019
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SMBE 2020 Call for Abstracts and Travel Award Applications

We invite you to submit an abstract for the 2020 annual conference of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE 2020) at .

SMBE 2020 is taking place in Québec City, Canada, from 28 June – 2 July 2020.

The deadline for abstract submission is Monday 20 January 2020, 23:59 (GMT). 

Several awards are available and can be applied for during abstract submission. They require SMBE membership at the time of application (3 years costs $10 for students and $30 for others).

Membership can be applied for at

Carer awards can also be applied for at registration or by email.

Awards include:

1) The Walter M. Fitch Award for current graduate and recent postdoctoral researchers; Extended abstracts are not required, just the conference abstract and a CV. Unsuccessful Fitch Award applicants will automatically be considered for Young Investigator and Registration-only awards.

2) The Young Investigator Award substantially funds the cost of attending, is for any graduate student or postdoc, requires a conference abstract and a CV, and will automatically also be considered for Registration – only awards.

3) The Undergraduate Travel & Mentoring Award (including Masters students under a 3+2 system) requires title, abstract, a short explanation (250 words) of why you want to attend this meeting, including a mention of whether you fall into a group traditionally underrepresented at SMBE such as enrolling in university later in life or being the first in your family to attend university. A short letter of support (250 words) should also be sent from your academic supervisor to Sarah Schaack and Mary O’Connell ( confirming that you are undergraduate or a Masters student under 3+2, and that the research to be presented is your own.

4) Carer Travel Awards can be applied for during registration, or by email to if an earlier response is needed. Up to $2000 may be awarded for members with children or dependent adults (including adult children with a disability or elderly relatives) to spend as to facilitate member’s attendance at the annual SMBE meeting. Examples of eligible expenses include (but are not limited to) providing airfare for your child or for your caregiver to accompany you, flying a relative out to help with care at your home while you’re at the meeting, or extra help paying for on-site daycare.

If interested in sponsorship of the meeting, please contact

For any queries over abstracts or registration, please contact

We look forward to welcoming you in Québec City. 

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  • Friday, November 22, 2019
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Call for Proposals to Host SMBE 2023 - Deadline 30 November 2019

Want to meet like-minded colleagues from all over the world?

Wish you could have an international conference in your field closer to home?

SMBE is looking for a local host for its 2023 international meeting. Informal expressions of interest should be from a prospective local organizing committee of scientists headed by an SMBE member, and should reach SMBE President-Elect Marta Wayne by 30 November 2019. Full proposals will need to be submitted using the SMBE template by 30 April 2020. Please email your proposal to

For details of meeting organization, please see the SMBE Conference Guidelines (and specifically Appendix 2 which outlines the format of proposals).

The primary role of the local organizing committee will be to plan the scientific programme. All other aspects of the organization will be done in association with SMBE representatives and a professional conference organizer appointed by SMBE.

SMBE rotates its meetings geographically to encourage international participation. For 2023, we are particularly requesting proposals from North America. The next three years' meetings will be in Quebec, Canada (2020), Auckland, NZ (2021) and Ferrera, Italy (2022).

Please note that SMBE is not interested in proposals from professional conference organizers.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Marta Wayne
President-Elect, SMBE

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  • Wednesday, October 30, 2019
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Save the Date - SMBE 2020 - June 28 - July 2, 2020

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the SMBE 2020 Meeting that will take place in beautiful Québec City, Canada. The meeting will be held at the Convention Centre.

Québec City is a UNESCO World Heritage Site as the only walled city in North America whose fortifications are still intact. It offers legendary hospitality, joie de vivre, an abundance of historical, tourist, and cultural attractions, and of course Old Québec, the jewel in the city’s crown. Must see attractions like the Plains of Abraham, Old Québec, and the Petit Champlain district, as well as numerous restaurants, hotels, and museums are all within walking distance from the Convention Centre. Québec City stands out for the variety of restaurants, the quality of its local products, and the creative talent of its chefs. The region has all the advantages and amenities of a big city, set against a spectacular natural backdrop. Bienvenue à Québec!

Québec City region is also recognized for its expertise in the life science sector, being home to world-renowned research centers, several industry leaders and a multitude of innovative companies.

More information may be found on this downloadable PDF or by visiting

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  • Friday, September 27, 2019
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