Any SMBE member who has a child or cares for a dependent adult at the time of the conference, or is in need of personal assistance, and is also attending the SMBE annual meeting, may apply for this award. If you are already chosen for another travel award or giving an invited presentation in a symposium you may still apply for this additional funding. Priority will be given to applicants who have demonstrated need and/or are in early stages of their academic careers (e.g., graduate students, postdocs, pre-tenure or within 6 years of starting their first independent lab).
Applicants will be asked to provide:
- Career stage (undergraduate student/graduate student/postdoctoral researcher/non-tenured faculty/tenured faculty/unemployed)
- Age of youngest child, if applicable
- Description of role as caregiver for a dependent adult, child, or relative, or needs for personal assistance
- A brief justification of the need for this award (300 words max)
- Amount requested, up to a maximum of $2000, and how you intend to use it
Checks/wire payments will be sent promptly following the completion of the meeting after the awardee submits a proof of attendance and the additional documentation as listed below.
US citizens will be required to also provide:
- A completed W9 form.
- Receipts for care expenses, totaling or exceeding the awarded amount, in order to avoid possible taxation of the award funds (as per the IRS).
Non-US citizens will be required to also provide:
- A completed W8-BEN form.
The SMBE Business Office will be in contact with all recipients to help with the collection of the required documents.
Please send your application by email to